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Saturday, 13 July 2013
LAMAR ODOM to be charged to court Over Paparazzi Attack
Lamar Odom unleashed his wrath on a few photographers’ personal things on Thursday in Los Angeles after reportedly being asked about Hollywood rumors that he’s been cheating on his wife, Khloe Kardashian, with a stripper.
To make it worse, his attack—grabbing things from the photographer's car and throwing them out on the streets—was caught on tape!
Now, one of the two “victims” is reportedly out for justice and has already gotten himself a lawyer.
TMZ clarifies:
“According to sources, detectives are still investigating the incident — when Lamar flipped on two photogs in Hollywood, damaging equipment and allegedly smashing one of their cars — but the case will most likely be forwarded to the L.A. City Attorney soon for criminal prosecution.”
beht ow is dis a sport news?